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Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:40 am
by The_butterfly
When I was younger I was molesested by my best friends older brother over the course of a year. I had fprgotten it previously but it has been brought to the front of my brain. Is there anyway I can get over it so I won't keep getting nightmares and flashbacks?

Re: Remembering

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 9:36 am
by Onionpie
Hi The_butterfly, welcome to Scarleteen! I am so sorry to hear that this awful situation happened to you. Unfortunately, there is no quick-n-easy fix to being sexually abused or assaulted, healing from the incident does take time. Do you have anyone in your life who you feel safe talking to about this? School counsellors or trusted teachers are an excellent resource, or if you're able to look into counselling outside of school that would also be a great option. Having a professional who is trained in helping people heal from this kind of thing can be a huge benefit.