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My period won't stop while on Birth Control

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:52 am
by Maddielewxs
Hi! my name is Maddie and I'm 15 years old. A week and two days ago I started taking the Brevinor Birth control pill. Two days after I began taking the pill I got my period and having continued to take it during my cycle. Although, my period usually lasts five days and is lighter during the end two days. Now it is still heavy and has been for seven days. How long will my period last before it goes away?
I talked to one of my friends who has been on the pill for a while about it, and she said that when she first started taking the pill her period lasted a month! Is that going to happen to me? Xx

Re: My period won't stop while on Birth Control

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 12:02 pm
by Sam W
Hi Maddie,

So, the pill can have different side effects for different people, and it can cause some cycle weirdness when it first starts. We can't really predict how it will interact with your system.To clarify, has your current period been going on for seven days, or for longer than that?