Light Brown Bleeding?

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Light Brown Bleeding?

Unread post by KayShaun »

Should I be concerned? I usually see light brown bleeding in my periods, and then after awhile, it's red. Sometimes it is throughout my whole period. Is this normal?
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Re: Light Brown Bleeding?

Unread post by al »

Hi there KayShaun,

Menstrual fluid can be all kinds of colors! Usually it's red or reddish, but it can be a rusty color, brownish, or anything in between. That's because it's made up of mostly tissue and cells, not red blood like you have running through your veins. The only time to be concerned is if you have any discharge that's bright red along with other symptoms (unusual cramping, funny smells, colors, etc) that don't go away after a few cycles. Otherwise the body's natural fluctuations in hormones usually dictate what color the menstrual fluid is. You should have nothing to worry about!
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Re: Light Brown Bleeding?

Unread post by KayShaun »

Oh, thank you! ( :
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