Tenderness in Breasts?

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Tenderness in Breasts?

Unread post by leeleehatter »

Hey guys! I had another question (this is unrelated to my other topic).

I noticed today that my breasts have been feeling a little bit tender. It is normal for me to experience this if I am close to getting my period, but I am not expecting it for another week and a half to two weeks. What are some other possible causes of tenderness in breasts? Do you know if it's possible for breasts to continue growing after puberty?

Thank you!
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Re: Tenderness in Breasts?

Unread post by Karyn »

Breast tenderness is often hormone related, and although it's common just before a period, it can happen any time - hormones don't only kick in a few days before your period, they're at work all the time and the levels can fluctuate a bit any time. It's also possible that you're having a bit of breast growth; puberty lasts longer for some people than is commonly thought, and it's certainly possible that your breasts aren't quite done growing.

You can read up on other causes of breast tenderness here: Abreast: The Basics of Boobies
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