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Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 2:41 pm
by bikinksterboy
this is just a general question, do kinks always have a specific "reason?" am I truly into a kink if its main appeal to me is just the taboo factor rather than anything about the kink itself? is this invalidating those who "legitimately" enjoy these things?

Re: kink

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:29 pm
by Mo
This may be something that different people have different thoughts on, but I don't think every kink or preference is going to be traceable to a specific reason or inspiration. And similarly, I don't think any particular reason is going to be better or more legitimate than another. I don't see it as helpful to compare one person's reasons or inspirations with another's - if your reasons for having a certain kink are indeed different from someone else's, that doesn't mean one of you is invalidating the other, or one of you is in the right.