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Circumcision debate questions

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 10:50 am
by PrincessLuLu
Okay, so I don't plan on having kids anytime soon but one day I'd like them, so this is by no means super urgent but I am curious. If I have a son, I do not think I would want to have him circumcised as a baby. While it usually is pretty safe, there is still risk and there actually isn't proven medical benefits unless there is an actual present issue, but this is virtually nonexistent at that age. But most of all, I don't want to do it because I think he should be able to make that choice for himself, and as an infant/young child, he is not able to. I am a biosex female and have never had to personally experience anything related to this, but for some reason I just can't get past that they don't have a say. I don't think it's right for me or a child's father to make a decision about a permanent procedure that isn't medically necessary for him. With this in mind I have a few questions:
1. Is it weird that I feel so strongly about this?
2. When I am at the point where I start trying to have a child, what is a good way to broach the subject with the father? If the dad is circumcised, they may be a little less likely to agree. What about when talking to doctors?

Re: Circumcision debate questions

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 10:59 am
by Heather
I don't personally think it is weird to feel strongly about altering anyone's body cosmetically without their consent, no.

However, I think discussing how you would discuss a pregnancy or child which/who doesn't yet exist with a theoretical father you don't know isn't a sound thing we can do.

How we would discuss something with someone has a LOT to do with who that person is, specifically. What kind of relationship we have with someone is also very unique. So, not only do I think the rift time for a discussion with you like this would be when we have a real pregnancy and a real person involved in it with you, so we know the reality we're dealing with, I also think trying to plan this in advance is pretty fruitless. Get what I mean?