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Period came a week early on the birth control pill

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 3:25 pm
by Riffaraff
Three months ago I switched from Lomedia 24 FE to Ortho Tri-Cyclen after a year and a half. Two cycles into taking the new pill my period came during the third week. It was just as heavy as it was months prior but this time it started with spotting in the second week and steadily got much heavier, and ended by the fourth week. I spotted a bit during the last week of my cycle before starting the new pack as I normally would. I take my pill very regularly, at the same time each night, at most being an hour late. My questions are, was I protected during that month despite the bleeding? Is that type of bleeding normal on the pill? And is there any reason to take a pregnancy test (I have heard some women do with early bleeding)? I am reaching the end of my third cycle on this new pill and have had no abnormal bleeding.
Thanks so much for your help.

Re: Period came a week early on the birth control pill

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 4:26 pm
by al
Hi there Riffaraff, and welcome to Scarleteen!

It usually takes a little bit for birth control to "even out" - the information that came with the medication will usually say that you might have issues like irregular periods or breakthrough bleeding for the first 3 months after starting it. If you've been taking your birth control consistently you should have nothing to worry about. Regardless of hormonal birth control, things like stress or cohabitation with other women can affect your cycle! Just keep taking it regularly and things should balance out soon. If you start missing periods or having any persistent/worrying symptoms, you can always check in with the pharmacist or provider who prescribed you the medication.

I hope this helps!