Asexual or too young to be certain?

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Asexual or too young to be certain?

Unread post by SomethingWitty »

Well, to start with, ever since I started reading up on articles about asexuality and what it is, I've come to realize that I can relate fairly strongly to those articles. I have never really felt a desire for sex. Rarely, I'll have fleeting feelings, but they vanish as quickly as they came and I can never achieve anything other than exhaustion through masturbating.
I've talked with boys before, but never really felt anything much more than "I like talking with this guy, he's nice to talk to." I haven't really felt a desire for anything more or something intimate than what can be called something more than a close friendship. I've never felt the want or craving to do anything more, or to seek something else out of a relationship (if you can even call it that).
As of the time that I am typing this, I am 14. I started puberty early, and have reason to think that it has ended (as said by parents, doctors, therapists, and stuff on the internet alike). Most every adult I've known has said that I seem more mature, both physically and mentally, than I should be for my age.
Given these facts, is that enough to be able to say "I'm asexual" with utter certainty that this is who I am and will be, or will my body/brain continue to go through various uncertainties for a while longer?
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Re: Asexual or too young to be certain?

Unread post by Heather »

The thing about identifying our orientation is that we are always only going to be basing that on what we know about ourselves so far, when we're 14, 44, and 84. And there's never any way we can predict what your orientation or the way we present it will be for a lifetime. No one has that ability.

So, if asexual feels like a right framework and word for you right now, and you want to use it, you get to do that. If you don't want to, or it feels to soon to *you* to use any words, then you don't have to. And if (and more often for many folks, when) you ever feel like something in your identity or life experience has shifted, and that word or framework doesn't work anymore, you get to revise, all your life. :)
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