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Bleeding during sex

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 1:33 pm
by helloleanteen
So today while having sex I started leaking blood, not heavy, but not light either. I had sex last week and this didn't happen. I didn't feel any pain. My period is due in 9-10 days so idk if that's what it was or what :oops: it stopped bleeding but I did have a little bit of brown when I wiped. I'm making a doctors appt. but I still would like some insight from y'all.

Re: Bleeding during sex

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 2:45 pm
by Heather
What have your safer sex habits been like? Have you always used condoms with intercourse? If not always, or not at all, are you and your partner both current with your STI testing?

Re: Bleeding during sex

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 2:52 pm
by Heather
Sorry, just checked your history (I usually do it first, and I just spaced), and see that it hasn't always been protected. So, what stands here then is just when you and your partner both have last been tested.

If it hasn't been in the last year or so (or more recently if either of you have had other partners more recently than that), then it's time, even with no symptoms. You should ask to be tested at your appointment regardless, and your partner should make his own appointment. Sometimes bleeding is due to an infection, so you'd just want to both rule that out or both get treated if an infection is the issue.

If not, and your doctor finds no health-related cause, we can move on to talk about what else might have happened, like just not using enough lube or not being turned on enough,mor this just being a fluke, when you just happened to have some mid-cycle spotting at the same time as sex.