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Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:54 am
by cc1029
I've been in a situation were i thought i was pregnant im 16 going on 17 i know that any teen shouldn't have a child but i had i feeling i was ready i thought god i had sent me a child and wanted me to have it .I had a fling with a guy who told me he wanted to be with me and make me his i believed it and it lead to a whole other level i wanted him i was so attracted to him and all i wanted was his body to touch mine i told him that i wasnt on birth control and i wanted him to use a condom and he understood but he came in the condom but took it of and kept going and his pre cum ended up in me.
weeks had pasted and i didnt get my period i was freaking out all i could think of was I AM PREGNANT! i was nervous stressed out i didnt know if i should tell him or wait and make sure i ended up telling him about everything and all i could think was he is going to leave his first response was i want a abortion and how do i know its mine.I felt disrespected and hurt i was afraid to tell my parents i didnt know how i was suppose to tell them i WANTED TO TELL MY MOM i really did i needed her but he made me take a test and it came out positive i was afraid and sad all i could do was cry and the first thing he did was call his brother and tell him what was going on and if he could pay for the abortion i was 100% against it i felt like if he didnt want him he shouldnt make my decision.i ended up going threw with it and till this day i regret it i wish i had my baby and i wish i could have known what he would look like but this is a lesson i learned i went threw depression and went to counseling which lead to me taking pills.


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:17 pm
by Heather
I'm so sorry to hear how much you're struggling with these feelings, and that you've had this experience.

This is, as you know, big, rough stuff that can be difficult to talk about.

How would you like to talk about this with us? What are you looking for, and what do you want from this (for example, to resolve your feelings, to find in-person help or support...)?