How deep is the average vagina?

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How deep is the average vagina?

Unread post by Jellowl »

I've been wondering this for a while, but just how deep/long is the average vagina? I've heard that it's about 3-4 inches but that seems way to short seeing as a penis can be 5 inches or longer. When having sex, does the vagina somehow expand or become longer to make room for most of the penis? Can it crash into the cervix because of the length difference?

Thanks in advance for the answer,
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Re: How deep is the average vagina?

Unread post by Heather »

From right here on the site: ... _and_small
From the vaginal opening to the cervix, the average vaginal canal length is 3 to 7 inches, unaroused to aroused, with an average capacity to stretch -- when something is inside of it -- to around 8 or 9 inches deep (it can also stretch from side to side).
You might also want to bear in mind that having a penis inside the vagina doesn't mean it has to be the whole length of a penis: it doesn't. Not everyone likes that or finds that feels good (both folks with vaginas and those with penises), or that that works all the time, and for folks who like to do things like combine penis-masturbation with intercourse, or who are having intercourse in certain position, all-in won't work at all.
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