My breast are too small

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My breast are too small

Unread post by Memphis »

:cry: :( Hi,okay I'm 18 but I basically don't understand why my breast are too small.I feel like I'm not normal like other girls are,I feel uncomfortable with my body.Will they ever increase in size? I'm concerned about my age.Sometimes I just feel like I'm a lesbian or something like that but I'm only interested in men.Is this even normal?
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Re: My breast are too small

Unread post by Redskies »

Welcome to the boards!

There's really a very big range indeed of breast shapes and sizes. There isn't one "normal" for breasts: it's perfectly normal for some people to have small breasts, some people to have large breasts, and everything in between.

There isn't a reason why anyone's breasts are the size they are, other than that's simply how their body is. It's a little like foot size: different people have different size feet, and there's nothing anyone does that gives them larger or smaller feet. It's just each person's body being their own unique body and being its own self.

Puberty continues into the early/mid 20s, so it's possible that you may see some mild changes to your breasts in the future. To get an idea of where you are in developmental stages, can I ask when you started getting periods?

Breast size is definitely nothing to do with sexual orientation, so no, having small breasts doesn't mean that anyone is a lesbian. Sexual orientation is simply about who we feel attraction towards. The size of any part of our body doesn't make a difference to that :)

It sounds like you're feeling that smaller breasts aren't as good as larger breasts. Do you have some ideas about where that might be coming from, and would you like to talk about it?
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Re: My breast are too small

Unread post by Memphis »

I started seeing my periods at the age of 14.I mean like it just crossed my mind because most lesbians got small breasts,I think.I mean it's so a turnoff I can't even wear a bra :( .But I wouldn't wanna argue alot,you know I'm now positive and confident about myself.I just have to adapt to this kind of scenario and love myself with the imperfection I have ,after all nobody is perfect.This is me!. Thanks to you guys,this web is indeed helpful I'm grateful to be part of it.
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Re: My breast are too small

Unread post by Heather »

Lesbians, for the record, come in all shapes and sizes, just like everyone else. There's no one common breast size or body type for those who are lesbian.
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