How safe is sex with a condom while your ovulating

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How safe is sex with a condom while your ovulating

Unread post by Sundropz »

Hi I was wondering if having sex while your ovulating with a condom is safe or should you just avoid having sex entirely during the fertile window ?
Thanks - A
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Re: How safe is sex with a condom while your ovulating

Unread post by Heather »

That really depends on what you want.

Condoms -- no matter where someone is in their fertility cycle -- are 98% effective in one year of perfect use, and 86% effective in one year of typical use (which allows for some minor mistakes). More here:

If you can and are also charting your fertility and want to combine those two methods to get the most protection you can, then the way to do that is to use condoms always at times you're not at your most fertile, and abstain from intercourse completely during your fertile window.

If you're comfortable with those figures above for condoms, then you can have intercourse anytime, so long as you use a condom. This is all about your preferences and needs. :)
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