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I was late taking the first two pills of the new pack, Am I still protected?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 8:07 am
by ec998
I was supposed to start my new pack Wednesday at 1:30 AM but I took my pills a couple of hours late and took it at around 3 PM. I was then supposed to take another pill on Thursday at 1:30 AM as well but I took the pill at 7 AM. Am I still protected even though I took my pills very late? I took them in the same day I was supposed to, so I am not sure if they are considered "missed".

Re: I was late taking the first two pills of the new pack, Am I still protected?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:10 am
by Heather
Combined oral contraceptives have a good 12-24 hour window before a pill is really "late." (And a missed pill is one taken over 24 hours late or not taken at all, since you asked about that.) "Very late" didn't happen here. :)

A few hours here or there like this doesn't impact their effectiveness.