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Topical Antibiotic

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:56 pm
by Kim_2704
Hello! I've been on the pill for +2 years now and I recently switched from Diane 35 to Microgynon 30 due to a lower risk of blood clots with the latter (gives some peace of mind). However, one of the benefits I got from my previous pill was veeery clear skin and oil control. Maybe it's the different progesterone component in my current pill, but i'm getting some minor breakouts that i've been advised to treat with a mix of topical clindamicine and adapalene. Do these kinds of antibiotics have any impact on my birth control effectiveness, since I won't be ingesting them?

Re: Topical Antibiotic

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:36 am
by Sam W
Hi Kim,

You can read all about what things do and do not interfere with your birth control here: Something You Can Worry About Less: Interference and Hormonal Birth Control

Re: Topical Antibiotic

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:24 am
by Kim_2704
Well, it doesn't mention any topical antibiotics, so am I correct to interpret that they don't interfere?

Re: Topical Antibiotic

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:29 am
by Sam W
Yep, if you don't see something listed then that's a sign it's not cause for concern. Too, if you want to double check, you can call the pharmacist or healthcare provider and ask them to confirm that there won't be any interference.