My first time being positive for an STD.. Help

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My first time being positive for an STD.. Help

Unread post by xomusic »

Hi so I'm new to this and I'm pretty scared to talk to someone about this.
I'm 20 years old and last week was my first time at a gyno and wanted to get tested for STDs and etc.
I've only had 2 sexual partners in the past 3 years. The first guy I was with got tested since we didn't use condoms and I'm not on the pill and everything came back negative, so I didn't get tested myself since I was only with him. We then broke up in March 2015 and I didn't have sex for a year and 3 months. I recently have been seeing a guy since June 2016 and we don't use condoms either. However, he's had more sexual partners than the 2 (him and my ex) that I have and which is why I decided to get tested.
I went to my gyno yesterday so she can read me my result and it came back positive for chlamydia. She told me I shouldn't worry since it is treatable and prescribed me with a single dose antibiotic and told me my partner should get treated too. When I spoke to him about it, he kept telling me he felt fine and that he knew for sure he didn't have it, but I thought I didn't have it either since I didn't show symptoms. So, he just went to get tested at a planned parenthood today and said the test should come back in a week. Is it possible he doesn't have it and it's only me? Should I be scared for having chlamydia since STDs are a very serious thing?
Thank you for taking the time to read this and so sorry that its so long. I'm really worried :(
Sam W
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Re: My first time being positive for an STD.. Help

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi xo,
It sounds like this is freaking you out a bit, which is unsurprising given how most people talk about STIs. However, as your doctor said, chlamydia can be gotten rid of with antibiotics. It's only dangerous if left untreated, and you're preventing that by getting tested and treated. As long as you take the antibiotics, you'll be fine. Would you like some self-care ideas to try in the interim?

Now, with your partner, you're right that most people don't show symptoms. So I'm glad he's going to get tested. Can I ask how it came about that you two ended up having unprotected sex prior to either of you getting tested, since STIs sound like they concern you?
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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