Not sure what's happening down there

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Not sure what's happening down there

Unread post by Jellowl »

I've noticed that recently things have been a little off down under. I've been having frequent bouts of vaginal discharge, enough to completly soak my panties; It's clear and very watery. Normally, I do expect some vaginal discharge when I'm ovulating (which I think is happening now) but never this much. Also, my vulva feels swollen. The lips feel like they're very large but I can't see a difference upon closer inspection. What's more is that I have the urge to urinate a lot when there isn't much there. After urinating, sometimes it feels like little dribbles are trying to escape but nothing happens, sometimes It can be slightly painful but not all the time. It's been uncomfortable for me.

Yes, I am sextually active. My boyfriend and I have done manual sex on many occasions but never penis to vagina. I'm new to sex acts, so is it possible that the manual sex caused this? As an added note, about a month ago I had a bladder infection, probably caused by not urinating after fingering (I make sure to always pee after) and that was not enjoyable. Could there possibly be something wrong with my body in response to sex? Does this happen to anyone else? If the problem continues, I'll go see my doctor and discuss the issue.

Thank you in advance for the advice,
Have a lovely day!
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Re: Not sure what's happening down there

Unread post by Karyn »

Any kind of genital irritation that continues for more than a couple of days, particularly if it's accompanied by a change in discharge, is something that should be checked out by a healthcare provider. It's possible that you have some kind of vaginal infection that needs treatment, but the only way to know for sure is to make an appointment with your doctor. Since you're sexually active - even though you've not yet had intercourse - it wouldn't hurt to get a full STI screening at the same time.
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