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Unread post by tamansfield »

I've read through the article about the human reproduction and how it works but I just seem to have an over active mind and think about stuff that's not even logical. I read through the article and it seems that I can confirm the fact that sperm cannot get through articles of clothing because of the lack of fluid. Can you confirm this? In the case I experienced, ejaculate was not even on my clothing, it was pre ejaculate fluid. I believe that the sperm (if there were any present in the pre ejaculate) could not have traveled through jeans because of the lack of fluid. Would this be true? Another thing, if the clothing (such as jeans) is saturated in semen then would it be possible for sperm to get through? I've seen different things about this and thought I'd ask:) I'm not really concerned with the fact if it can get into the vagina, I'd just like to know if sperm can get thorough a layer of clothing. Thank you for your help! Also I had mentioned this in another thread, but it got locked because I guess it was related to pregnancy anxiety? I was a little upset because that's not what I'm worried about at all I really just wanted to get a little more specific on sperm traveling through clothing. I'm sorry I'm being a bother but it's something I'm interested in and would like to get more information on and I thought you would be able to help
Sam W
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Re: Confused

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi tamansfield,

Yes, the last thread got locked because it read as a pregnancy scare question. If that's really not your question, then this article will address what you've been asking about:
You Cannot Become Pregnant When You Have Pants On
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