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Do I need Plan B?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 7:58 pm
by Bro
I usually take my birth control around 9:30pm every night. I took my pill on thursday at 9:30pm and the next day I thought I forgot to take thursday's pill and accidentlly took friday's pill on friday morning around 9 or 10 am - so I took it really early on the day. And then saturday rolls around and I dont take it that evening until 4am sunday morning after I was out for the night and had unprotected sex that night as well and I take it as soon as I'm home at 4am. Am I at risk and should pick up plan b or should I be okay?

Re: Do I need Plan B?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:10 am
by Redskies
Is this a combined pill (progestin and estrogen)? If so, this timing is unlikely to have had much of an impact. It's sounding like the equivalent of you having one late pill: having a bigger gap than you should between pills, but not a whole day extra gap (that'd be a missed pill). So, I'd suggest going with whatever your particular pill information says about one late pill.

Have you taken all your other pills correctly? If so, taking emergency contraception isn't likely to give you any extra protection. It's a bit less effective than your usual pill, and with just one late pill you'll still have a good level of protection. I'm not seeing a particular need for emergency contraception here, but taking it or not is up to you, depending on what you feel best about.

Do you need any help around your pill-taking schedule, or with thinking about a second method - like condoms - to pair it with so you're covered for any mistakes?

Too, if you're having unprotected sex, you'll want to make sure you stay up-to-date and very regular with your sexual healthcare, including STI testing. You all good with that, or would you like our help with anything?