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bleeding everytime my bf fingers me but haven't had my period

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:57 am
by Keep2grass
So.. I haven't had my period at all his month. I haven't had sex with my boyfriend. But the past while most of the time when he fingers me i bleed and then the next day it's gone.. I'm freaking out and the doctors I go to.. the female doctor isn't there so.. any help? :roll:

Re: bleeding everytime my bf fingers me but haven't had my period

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:48 am
by Redskies
Welcome to the boards.

Are you up-to-date with your sexual healthcare, including STI testing? With bleeding from any kind of sex - and fingering is a kind of sex - it's important to check that out and make sure an infection isn't the cause. Do you need any help or information about where to get that healthcare?

Beyond that, there's a few other common causes. The tissue of the vaginal walls is fairly delicate, and can get small injuries that bleed if it's treated too roughly. When you and he are having this kind of sex:
- are you already very turned on and into it before you start this kind of sex?
- are his fingernails short and neatly clipped, with no jagged edges?
- are you both being slow enough and gentle enough? Or are you experiencing any pain or discomfort at the time, or feeling like it's a bit rough?
- are you both using some extra lube?

Missing a period is no cause for concern. Periods can sometimes be late or completely missed, even for people who are usually very regular - it's just one of those things that happens occasionally! There's only a need to see a healthcare provider about missing periods once 3 in a row have been missed, or if there are other health issues happening too.