Someone tried to get into my 'diary'

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Someone tried to get into my 'diary'

Unread post by throwaway »

Hello Scarleteam,

This happened days ago, but I am this VERY concerned at should I do about my situation.
Basically, Im in a school club, and we have this office where club members can meet on a weekly basis
to hang out or do some club-activity work. There are a few public computers in there.

I go there rather occasionally and I do use their computers. However, I recently got an email from my
Document network i use (such as Microsoft Outlook) saying "X has requested to have access to Folder "Diary" ".
(The thing is, i ALWAYS make sure i sign out of my account, if i do something there. Its public, so i make sure.
Im also guessing its because they may use the same networking thing, as these networks tend to synch-up
among other devices.)
I went back to check upon my files/folders. Thank god, everything was already pre-set to Private.
So, i don't think they did get to look at anything.

I was completely applauded and quite angry at the notification.
I still have the email saved (as proof)but I don't know what
i should about it.

To be honest, Im not particularly surprised that X would do that
kind of thing, and I'm sure its of no ill-intent but at the same time, it is very pathetic
and quite petty of them to try and find out about my private stuff.

How should i confront them? Or should I notify the head president of the club?

Btw, i only have a few days left of school, so i would rly like
to know what I should do before then. Thanks
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Re: Someone tried to get into my 'diary'

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi throwaway,

Can I ask about your relationship to X? Are they someone you'd feel comfortable asking about what happened, or are the two of you on not-so-good terms where you think they were operating out of malice rather than misunderstanding?
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Re: Someone tried to get into my 'diary'

Unread post by throwaway »

We are pretty much acquaintances.

They are Lil loud,likes to make jokes but we're not friends or anything. I do know they do like to gossip every now and then...I try to stay distant with this person.

The president is here with me now.... Only about two days left of school til this incident isn't relevant anymore.
Last edited by throwaway on Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Someone tried to get into my 'diary'

Unread post by throwaway »

However, I'm pretty pissed,so maybe I should confront them ? Sigh
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Re: Someone tried to get into my 'diary'

Unread post by Karyn »

It's understandable that you want some resolution to this, but confronting someone when you're still angry often doesn't really resolve things. If you did speak to this person, what would you be hoping to get out of the conversation? An explanation? An apology? Having your point of view heard?
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Re: Someone tried to get into my 'diary'

Unread post by throwaway »

Well, I'm not super mad but I am still shocked.
I guess I wud most likely want an apology
and to let them know it's not okay.

The president is still here with me..

A POV, ya,why not...maybe an explanation? I doubt they wud explain themselves.
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Re: Someone tried to get into my 'diary'

Unread post by Karyn »

That sounds reasonable, and if the president is still there with you, it might be worth sitting down with this person and just letting them know that what they did was an invasion of your privacy and you're not okay with it.
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Re: Someone tried to get into my 'diary'

Unread post by throwaway »

Well the president is there in the room but not X
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Re: Someone tried to get into my 'diary'

Unread post by throwaway »

Well I'm also wondering how X got into it as's puzzling
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Re: Someone tried to get into my 'diary'

Unread post by Karyn »

Ah, I misunderstood. I'd still say it's worth sitting down with X when you can and talking to them about this. As for how they got in to your files, you could double check the settings on your account, but it might not ever be clear how it was possible. (And really, I would suggest that you avoid keeping private documents and files on a public computer in the future, even if you've done your best to make sure they're not accessible to anyone else.)
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Re: Someone tried to get into my 'diary'

Unread post by throwaway »

Karyn wrote:Ah, I misunderstood. I'd still say it's worth sitting down with X when you can and talking to them about this. As for how they got in to your files, you could double check the settings on your account, but it might not ever be clear how it was possible. (And really, I would suggest that you avoid keeping private documents and files on a public computer in the future, even if you've done your best to make sure they're not accessible to anyone else.)
Well, its like a program, such as Outlook. So, its not like
Im saving my files/documents directly onto the computer. I can only access them, if my email account
is still signed on. Which doesn't make sense,since i always make sure to sign off every computer i
use from anyways.

I don't know if I'll ever get to have a talk with X one-on-one. I hardly doubt, being the extroverted personality
he has.

I think i should just tell the club president instead.. ( ._.)

**I guess I just wanted to let them know, that, what they ATTEMPTED to do, was
pretty FLIPPING shady in my humble opinion ;/
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Re: Someone tried to get into my 'diary'

Unread post by Karyn »

It's totally understandable that you'd want to let X know how you're feeling about what they did! However, if that's not an option, speaking to the club president sounds like a good move too.
"Where there is power, there is resistance." -Michel Foucault
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