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Should she take plan b?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:09 pm
by CamaroFreak1235
So my girlfriend has been on the birth control pill for at least 4 maybe 6 years now and she missed a pill a few days ago which is the first week of the packet so she doubled up the next night. We had unprotected and I pulled out but my stuff dripped down onto her girl parts. I read that if she is super wet that it goes straight in there. Should I be worried? Also I bought the plan B pill today and she hasn't taken it yet so if we were to do it and I finish I her would we be ok if she took the plan b tonight? I also read if it's within the first 7 days of the packet that it's not effective but she's been on it for almost 6 years???

Re: Should she take plan b?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:18 pm
by Heather
Combined oral contraceptives (the pill) are more effective than Plan B. Even when a pill is occasionally missed.

If she made up the pill she missed, she already has more effective protection than Plan B can provide. In other words, there's really nothing for Plan B to do her pill already is not doing.

But, aside of her having some side effects of taking it, there's also no harm in her doing so if she really wants to.

For the future, what works best to prevent pregnancy? Is dual contraception: using two methods at once. So, since it sounds like she is using a method, but you aren't, and like you both don't want a pregnancy, why not share the ongoing responsibility here with her and back up with condoms from now on? They are easy, effective (more so than withdrawal), don't have side effects like this pill, and that way, you both can always be doing your part, and you can both also likely relax a lot more so you don't have to deal with freakouts like this. They also provide important protection from STIs and other infections no other method can. :)