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Brown discharge

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 2:32 pm
by kmcmizzle
Hi! I am currently on birth control (have been for a while now) and I'm on day 16 of my cycle (start date Oct. 19th). Today I have experienced brown discharge. Is this something to be concerned about? Could it be pregnancy related? Or could it be just because of where I'm at in my cycle? (I am sexually active with my partner - on birth control, and always use condoms.)

Re: Brown discharge

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 2:42 pm
by Heather
Nope, not usually. :) Spotting (which can include brown discharge) on the pill is a common side effect. Pretty much the same as around this time last year when you were similarly concerned.

You always want to be sure once you've started having sex with partners to get regularly tested for STIs and other infections anyway, so if you don't already do that around once a year, it's best you start. That can also give you a chance to be sure this isn't anything to sweat if it keeps up, happens more often, or you just want to be sure it's all good.