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Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 2:48 pm
by Hopie94
I have social anxiety, and I always have one class that causes me anxiety. I normally can handle it by myself, but for some reason I can't deal with it this time. I feel like I'm losing control of myself and my emotions. I try to stay positive, I'm trying really hard. I've talked to everyone I can at my school and I've been moved into another class for three out of the five days. I'm supposed to go to the class two days out of the week, but I've only been going once a week. I don't need the class to graduate, and I'm planning on switching out next semester. But my guidance counselor wants me to go two days, however it feels like the end of the world going once. I'm trying really hard and I feel like I'm just being dramatic and I feel like that's how they feel too. I just want it to be over with. I started taking medicine, but it's not working. I just feel like no one is listening and I'm really tired of having an anxiety attack everyday. Please help.

Re: Anxiety

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 7:04 am
by Heather
Hopie: I'm sorry to hear you're struggling like this.

Di you have a therapist or counselor you see? If not, does your school offer mental health services for students?

I ask because a) it certainly sounds like you could use that support, and b) those services and their staff can sometimes be very helpful advocates when it comes to working with teachers and school administrations when students have special mental health needs to help you get what you need as far as adaptations are concerned.

Re: Anxiety

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:17 pm
by Hopie94
Thank you for responding and sorry for the late response! :) At my school we have a social worker, but when I was a Freshman I didn't go to her I went to a therapist outside of school. She had worked me me up until my Junior year and it did make a huge difference. She ended the session though because she said I didn't need it anymore. And up until now I didn't need her. I've come a very long way, like I don't have any anxiety in the next class which is a little smaller. (The Spanish class has 32 people and the next class has 25.) I sit in the back of the class and I don't have to talk in the class, but since Spanish is a verbal class I have to talk and I'm sitting in the very front row. He also has anxiety, and we've been able to somehow bond from that. But he hasn't moved me like they've asked him to. It has gotten better, because they let me go one day out of the week. I'm just nervous for next week because I might have to go two days instead of just one. :( Thank you for responding :)

Re: Anxiety

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:28 pm
by Ashleah
Hi Hopie,

Would you feel comfortable reaching out to the school social worker? It sounds like you have done a great job advocating for yourself but you are still getting some pushback from your counselor and teacher. As Heather mentioned, it might be helpful to have a staff member who can coordinate services or a plan on your behalf.

Have you discussed your feelings about the class with a parent or guardian? That is another person who might be able to speak with your counselor.

You could also bring up seeing a counselor/ therapist outside of school, especially since this is something you found to be helpful in the past. As I'm sure you know, mental healthcare is a process! Something we will need throughout our lives for one reason or another, so seeing someone regularly again might be helpful.