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Paranoid: is 99.92% effective enough?

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 6:15 pm
by Mangoandcreams
I have read in your articles that condom + withdrawal method =99.92% if used perfectly and on average use it's rough around 96.2%? '(Correctme if I am wrong Thanks)
I am just a bit paranoid (my SO and I used this combined method and I am expecting my period to come tomorrow on 7/11 hopefully ) of what the remaining 8% of that 99.92% accounts for?
We both also made sure that there were no slips and breaks on the condom and we had it on the whole time. I am having a hard time trying to calm myself about this :/ I know 99% is really a big thing that 8% just does my head
Thank you :shock:

Re: Paranoid: is 99.92% effective enough?

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:06 pm
by Eddie C
Hello there, Mangoandcreams.

The important question here is, if it is enough for YOU? For some people using just one method is enough to feel safe, but for others they need two or more. For some, the kinds of sex that can cause pregnancy are totally off the table. So, this is something that needs to come from you and for you only. Feeling safe about the risks we take is a very important part of enjoying our sexuality. :)

Re: Paranoid: is 99.92% effective enough?

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:11 pm
by Mangoandcreams
I guess youre right, my SO has always been reassuring that we are very safe and i did feel that way too as i trusted him. I just dont know why this paranoia came back again now that Ive got one day left to wait for my period to come :/