The pill

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The pill

Unread post by EllieA »

Hi, so normally when taking the pill I am very good and I take it at 8 o'clock every night! However on Saturday I knew I was going out with my Boyfriend and I knew we were going to be back late so I took it at 6/6:30 instead of 8 as I thought it was better than doing it late late. Later that night/morning/day we had unprotected sex at least 4 times. Which the first time I believe he ejaculated in me! Later on I have read that if you take the pill later than normal, you could be in danger and I guess it would be the same for taking it earlier. I am now very nervous and believe I could be in danger. I am also due my period at the end of the week, if I were to be pregnant and miss my period, would it work that quickly or would it be my following period?
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Re: The pill

Unread post by Heather »

There is a 12-hour grace period before the combined pill is even considered late, so these kinds of minor time differences make no difference in its effectiveness, be they later or earlier.

But just FYI, not only does the pill not provide any protection against STIs, which are just as much of a risk as pregnancy, but what we know works best to prevent pregnancy is dual contraception: using two methods, rather than just one. So, we'd strongly encourage you to consider adding condoms to your sexual life. Extra bonus? The instant peace of mind they add to situations like this. :)
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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Re: The pill

Unread post by EllieA »

Okay thank you for your advice.
Do you happen to know the answer to the period question I asked?.. 'I am also due my period at the end of the week, if I were to be pregnant and miss my period, would it work that quickly or would it be my following period?'
scarleteen founder & director
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Location: Chicago

Re: The pill

Unread post by Heather »

If someone became pregnant from intercourse they had in a given cycle of active pills, they would typically miss their withdrawal bleed at the end of that same cycle.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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