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Is it weird to feel better about a relationship after sex?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:28 pm
by LesBean52
So I'm 17 and a lesbian, and I've been with my girlfriend for just over a month. Recently, we had sex for the first time. Being the first time, it wasn't perfect (her nails were a lil sharp :? ) but it was still an intimate experience.
The thing is, before this I was a little anxious about the relationship, not exactly sure why, but now, that anxiety is completely gone, and I'm even more excited to be with her. Is that weird or, had that happened to other people too?

Re: Is it weird to feel better about a relationship after sex?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 9:42 am
by Heather
Personally, I'd say it's ideal! Mazel tov!

I mean, it doesn't always do this, but ideally, sex with someone is something that feels like it strengthens our relationship and gives us even more positive feelings than we had before. Ideally, it is something we increase our intimacy with someone through. Ideally, it is something that makes us feel more comfortable being ourselves with someone, being with someone, not less.

So, this is wonderful and tremendous, and I'm so very glad for you. :)