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Informing a Younger Girl?

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:57 pm
by capablehippie
Well, at rehearsal today I was sitting around with a few other girls. A boy said his lines with a lot of passion, and one of the girls who is my age said "That was so good it gave me an orgasm!" Then a younger girl (probably 13?) said, "What's an orgasm?" And we were all like, "Oh no, what did we do???" :shock: She seemed genuinely curious, and she would have probably heard a definition from her peers sooner or later, so I decided to try and explain it to her. I'm just wondering if you all think I handled this okay.
First I made sure she wasn't kidding and that she actually didn't know, because if she did that would make me seem pretty stupid. That might have made her feel bad for not knowing (she's a little tricky), but that wasn't he goal. I told her that it is when you're having a sexual experience and everything comes up to a point, then your body might let go a little bit, and then it relaxes. Then I asked her if she wanted to know more, since I thought that might benefit her more than hurt her I guess. She asked me what the g-spot was, and I told her that it is a place inside the vagina that can feel good if someone touches it. Then she asked what sex toys were, and I told her they were things usually made of plastic or metal (?) that people touch their genitals with to make them feel good. She said that sounds like it would hurt, and I told her that it's not supposed to. She asked me not to tell anyone about this conversation. I was really close to telling her to telling her about Scarleteen so she could get more information, but I thought that might be too much too soon if she didn't know what an orgasm was. I think it might be a good idea to write down the web address on a piece of paper for her though, and she can check it out when she feels ready.

Re: Informing a Younger Girl?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 5:50 am
by Sam W
Hi capablehippy,

It sounds like you did a good job of explaining it to her in an age appropriate way :)