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Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 2:25 am
by greenivy12
Is possible to have chlamydia and not pass it on to someone when having unprotected sex?

Re: Chlamydia

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 9:10 am
by Redskies
It's possible, yes, in the same way that if someone with a cold coughs right next to you, you'll often catch that cold, but you won't always. With chlamydia, the only way to know would be if one partner tests positive and the other tests negative.

There'd be a high risk of passing on chlamydia with unprotected sex, so if someone has chlamydia or thinks they might, they need to hold off on all kinds of partnered sex until they've been fully treated and re-tested negative to confirm the infection has gone completely. It's also important for any partners to get tested, whether they have symptoms or not, because it's common for chlamydia infections to display no symptoms.

It's important for everyone to have their own STI tests, because a partner's STI status can't tell us anything about our own status.

Would you like any further information or support around this?