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Whats the difference between the Oral Contraceptive Pill and the Minipill?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:33 pm
by dakota1
I've been taking a 28-day tablet, which you start on your period, and go from there. At the top it comes with 7 stickers esch starting at a different day of the week so you know which day you started it. It also has two different colors, one, which is color, starts the day you start taking it and ends after the 21st day, and the other seven are white coloured and go from the 22nd to the 28th. I take all pills every day. I'm asking because i know the "minipill" is ranked to be less effective than the other pill so i want to know which one i'm taking

Re: Whats the difference between the Oral Contraceptive Pill and the Minipill?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 9:16 pm
by Eddie C
Hello there, Dakota1. :)

The main difference between the Combined pill and the Mini is that the combined pill has two different hormones, estrogen and progestin. The mini pill only works with one, which is progestin. The combined pill works in three different ways: thickening cervical mucus, preventing ovulation and making the lining of the uterus a less hospitable. The mini pill only thickens the cervical mucus and may or not prevent ovulation, so that is why it might by slightly less effective than the combined pill. If you want to learn more about the two of them you can always take a look at this articles: ... ation_pill

Re: Whats the difference between the Oral Contraceptive Pill and the Minipill?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:44 am
by dakota1
Thanks, that was helpful! Anyways, are you able to tell me which are the ones i'm taking? I'm really concerned!

Re: Whats the difference between the Oral Contraceptive Pill and the Minipill?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:29 am
by Danny S.
Hi Dakota1,
If you're concerned about the effectiveness of your pill, it's probably best to use condoms as a second form of birth control, at least for the time being. No method of birth control is 100% effective, but using condoms as well as the pill will increase effectiveness no matter which pill you are taking.
The only accurate way of telling which pill you are taking is to talk to the doctor that prescribed them to you! Additionally, if it turns out you are taking the mini pill and you would rather be on the combined pill, you can talk to your doctor about making that switch.

Re: Whats the difference between the Oral Contraceptive Pill and the Minipill?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:53 am
by Danny S.
Also: do you have the information leaflet that came with your pills? If so, you should be able to find what you need in there. As Edith said, the mini pill only has progestin, while the combined pill has both estrogen and progestin. Your leaflet should tell you what hormones are in your pill. If it says estrogen and progestin, it's the combined pill; if it only says progestin, it's the mini pill.