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Just Curious

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 4:38 pm
by Jellowl
I'm just curious about something involving porn. Please, if you feel that this question is silly or not something you'd like or can answer, then ignore it. If so, I apologize in advance for wasting your time.

I've noticed when watching porn of any kind, no one is using any visible protection when having sex. No condoms and people are clearly seen ejaculating. Are the actors not concerned about STIs, pregnancy and other infections? Plus, they can sometimes be seen with multiple partners. Again, are they not concerned about infections that people could carry?

If you are able to answer this question, thank you. If not, I'm sorry for the silly question.

Thank you, have a nice night

Re: Just Curious

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 5:49 pm
by Karyn
As far as pregnancy goes, as you know condoms are not the only method of contraception, so a lack of protection there doesn't mean there isn't any. Per STIs, there are regulations in place that require performers to be tested (and treated if necessary) for STIs usually once a month or thereabouts, which means that for anyone who does wind up with an STI there isn't generally much of a chance for that infection to be transmitted to others.