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Can't feel me touching around my usual pleasure areas?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:26 pm
by KittyPink
I'm a trans-female, pre-everything. I usually don't have problems with rubbing down there, as long as it through pants. Even areas that usually get me going a little aren't doing anything or have a very dull sensation, I don't know why. I'm pretty sure it's nothing to do with dysphoria, I did have a little bit of a emotional breakdown this week. (Yesterday, in fact.) I'm unsure if it might be to do with stress, I'm hoping it's not a permeant thing. I'm also been a little sleep deprived this month due to anxiety, it's kind of upsetting me that I can't feel anything, help?

Re: Can't feel me touching around my usual pleasure areas?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:20 pm
by Mo
Hi KittyPink,

Welcome to Scarleteen.
Stress and anxiety can definitely have a huge impact on sexual response. So much of sexual response happens in the mind, and if we're upset or distracted by stress or worries then it can be harder, or nearly impossible, to feel arousal or sexual pleasure. You can read a little more about how all that works here, if you want some more info: Sexual Response & Orgasm: A User's Guide
We certainly can't say if this change is permanent or not, but I think stress is a likely culprit here, so it may be a good idea to set masturbation or other touching aside for a bit, if you're still feeling upset, and try again when you feel more rested and less anxious. In the meantime, are there other nonsexual but sensual things you can do to feel good in your body? That might be doing some exercise or sport you enjoy, taking a relaxing bath or shower, even spending time petting a sleepy cat. When you're feeling frustrated about some aspect of your body it can be nice to find something enjoyable to do for yourself. :)

Re: Can't feel me touching around my usual pleasure areas?

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:11 am
by KittyPink
I am starting to get it back slowly, so that's something. And I'm planning on doing some yoga, and drawing. Would do writing, but my attention span is not having it right now. Probably also play video games, as it usually gets my mind off things.

Re: Can't feel me touching around my usual pleasure areas?

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:20 am
by Sam W
Hi Kittypink,

Those all sound like excellent ways of taking care of and distracting yourself. In you need anymore ideas on that front, this article has lots of them: Self-Care a La Carte

Re: Can't feel me touching around my usual pleasure areas?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 7:28 am
by KittyPink
Update on this whole thing, it appears to be clearing up slowly.

Re: Can't feel me touching around my usual pleasure areas?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 3:13 pm
by Mo
I'm glad to hear it! :)

Re: Can't feel me touching around my usual pleasure areas?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:01 am
Hiya KP great to hear things are improving, I wish you all the very best for the future.