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Masturbating with a toy

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 11:54 pm
by Kittylovin
I'm 14 years old (girl) and I've been masturbating only my clit for a while. I normally watch porn to get me horny (I hope this doesn't sound bad) but I never orgasm. I really want to be eaten out by someone but I don't have a boyfriend.I've been thinking about buying a little vibrator to help and maybe try to start sticking things into my vagina. I also ordered a gstring with beads on the clit to try for pleasure. I have a prepaid credit card so my mom won't see it. Do you think there's things will. Help and what can I do to orgasm by clit. And will coconut work for lube?

Re: Masturbating with a toy

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 6:06 am
by Sam W
Hi Kittylovin,

If you want to experiment with sex toys to see how they feel, that is certainly something you can try. There's no guarantee they'll lead to orgasm, but they will help you learn more about what your body responds to. As for lube, you can use coconut oil (just know that if you at any point you use a condom with a toy you'll want to use something that isn't oil based, as oil breaks down latex)

Re: Masturbating with a toy

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:12 pm
by Danny S.
Also: as Sam said, coconut oil (and any oil-based lubricant) breaks down latex condoms, and it can also break down certain sex toy materials! If you're going to start buying/using sex toys, make sure the material you're using is compatible with oil-based lube. If you can get your hands on it, water-based lube is safe for any toy, as well as condoms.