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Condoms and Anal Sex

Questions and discussion about your sexual lives, choices, activities, ideas and experiences.
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Condoms and Anal Sex

Unread post by DarkLady »

Okay this might sound like a weird question but I've heard of people using an internal/female condom during anal sex. I brought this up at a sex education workshop recently and two people said it was a horrible idea due to the fact that the internal/female condom might disappear up inside a person's anus which is not the case for the vagina due to the cervix. I've been googling it since I got home and a lot of different websites do talk about it and claim that it is safe. I was just wondering if it was indeed safe or not because the information I've been getting is conflicting.
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Re: Condoms and Anal Sex

Unread post by Mo »

The ring that remains outside of the body is large enough that it's unlikely that it would wind up inside someone's body during anal sex without some effort. I guess I can't say it's impossible, but it's not a complication I've ever heard of.
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Re: Condoms and Anal Sex

Unread post by DarkLady »

Thank you Mo, that clears things up.
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