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lots of pain

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:43 am
by avaiara
hello, my boyfriend and i have tried to have sex twice before but everytime we try (he does wear a condom) it is very painful for me when he tries to get inside of me. the best way to describe it is a burning feeling, and i do think im wet enough but even then, i still get that feeling. is there something wrong with me?

Re: lots of pain

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:22 am
by Heather
This is likely related to what you have brought up in your other posts, where you talk about things not feeling good even before you start intercourse.

If you're not aroused before vaginal entry - really turned on - then no, it's not usually going to feel good, and it will often hurt.

I would suggest stepping way back with everything, taking intercourse off the table for now, and basically hitting reset on your sex life. Start with your own masturbation. Then, with your partner, go back to the beginning, just with things like making out, and learn together from the front what does feel good to you. When you get to a point where you have learned together what turns you on and what feels good, and then you both actually want to engage in intercourse, do all that first and then see how it goes.

Additionally, if you're not using lubricant from a bottle with your condom use, that's something else that will often make a big difference.