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Alcohol and birth control pills(Ava30ed)

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:16 pm
by Christy0227
Hi. I just wanted to ask if alcohol does affect the birth control pills Ava 30ed that i have been taking for half year. I was drinking on the day that i took the last sugar pill. Does it reduce the hormone level on my body? I used a condom when me and my boyfriend had sex 30 mins after we drank. On the next day we didnt use a condom and he came inside me. Should I be worry?

Re: Alcohol and birth control pills(Ava30ed)

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:22 pm
by Heather
Moderate and occasional alcohol use is not associated with pill failure or decreased effectiveness, no.

Binge drinking or chronic use is something else, but it does not sound like that is what you are describing here.

However, I hear you sounding concerned due to only using the pill and not condoms as well, so know if you need two methods to feel okay about intercourse -- and really, that is what is most effective to prevent pregnancy AND then also gives you STI protection, so wanting that is smart anyway! -- you get to hold that line with your boyfriend or any other partner, okay?