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Going from combo pill to Nexplanon - when can I stop taking the pill? The nausea is killing me.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:00 pm
by Strongbad
Hey there

I am on the combo pill. I have been for about a year and I went on a different brand this month help with breakthrough bleeding right before my period. Well this new pill is giving me all sorts of nausea worse than I have ever had before.

Yesterday I was able to get in with the doctor and she was able to put in a nexplanon right then (which was great because I had wanted one), but she told me to go ahead and finish my pill pack for this month (about 13 pills) even with the Nexplanon in.

The problem is that the nausea from my pill is almost unbearable, especially right now because I am in the middle of exams :(

Do I have to finish out this pill pack or can I stop the pills earlier so that I can get some relief?

Re: Going from combo pill to Nexplanon - when can I stop taking the pill? The nausea is killing me.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:54 am
by Sam W
Hi strongbad,

My first suggestion is to call the doctor who gave you the Nexplanon and explain that the nausea from the pills is still too intense and ask if you can stop the pack now. If they say no, that would give you the chance to ask them for recommendations about what to do to lessen that nausea.