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Unprotected sex while starting a new birth control

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 8:40 pm
by SpaceBabe
Hi, I just ended my period on the 4th and i started trinessa lo on the 5th. I had unprotected sex (i believe he came in me) on the 6th. I ovulate next week and I never took a plan b. Im just wondering if the birth control will have kicked in by then or is it really just a 50/50 chance im pregnant at this point?

Re: Unprotected sex while starting a new birth control

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:27 am
by Sam W
Hi Spacebabe,

It takes at least a week for the pill to reach fill effectiveness, although most sources (including us) recommend waiting a full pack before engaging in unprotected sex. So, given the timeline you describe, you did not have full protection from the pill