Online therapy resources

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Online therapy resources

Unread post by purpose »

Hi there!
It's been a long time coming, with a lot of false starts, but I am ready to invest in therapy. I think I really have got to do something about my emotional health so I can to move into the next phase of my life.

There is a slight caveat, though. I am currently working in a small city in Asia and there aren't any therapists here ...but I do have internet access!

Does any one on here know where I can find therapists (pref. American) who do online therapy sessions at reasonable prices? I've found one website (betterhelp [dot] com) but I would like to compare, if possible.
Sam W
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Re: Online therapy resources

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi purpose,

Congrats on starting the hunt for a therapist! One starting place is: do you insurance, either through family (like spouse of parents) or through a job? If you do, you can start by looking at the therapists covered by that plan and seeing if any of them offer remote services.

There's also a site I found called breakthrough ( ) that allows for online therapy sessions, but since that's not one I have direct experience working with I can't make any promises to it's quality. But, it is an option. You can also contact NAMI to see if they have advice on how to find online therapy resources.
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Re: Online therapy resources

Unread post by snailshell »

There are a bunch of online therapy options on this person's list: ... .spje72dn1 and this tumblr has a bunch of options for when you can't access therapy: ... n-you-cant

Good luck!
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