Helping Younger People

If it doesn't seem to fit anywhere else, this is probably the place for it.
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Helping Younger People

Unread post by Someone »

I've seen a lot of topics on here asking about how to address sexual and / or health issues with elementary and middle school aged kids so I thought I'd share some websites that I found helpful when I was younger.

It's My Life is a site for ages nine to 13, it's run by PBS and covers issues such as puberty, the effects of drugs and alcohol on the body, advice about friendships and family issues, ect. It's like Scarleteteen's younger cousin.
Unfortunately it hasn't updated since 2013 due to loss in funding so you can't submit questions and / or post on the message boards but the blog posts, articles , and games are still up. was created by a a nonprofit pediatric health organization and has resources for all ages. was created by the U.S. department of women's health and is primarily targeted at teenagers but has useful resources for pre-teens as well.

I hope this helps! :)
scarleteen founder & director
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Location: Chicago

Re: Helping Younger People

Unread post by Heather »

What a great thread to start: thanks! :D
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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