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Bleeding on the Pill

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 1:05 pm
by cmc1997
Hi, I currently use birth control pills and have been having problems with it lately. At the end of October, I stopped taking my week of active pills to make my period come a bit earlier for personal reasons, and it did. I did not skip to the next pack, which I should've. Instead, I wasn't taking pills for the rest of that active week and of course not during the inactive week either. After the inactive week I started a new pack. A couple weeks later, I started to spot the week or so before my next week of inactive pills, even though I was taking the pills. I spotted up until when I normally get my period. I think I got a period, but it was much lighter than usual probably because of the spotting. That period ended at the normal time. A couple weeks later and here I am spotting again. I realized last week that I forgot to take my pills for three days in a row so i have been spotting since. That was almost a week ago, and next week I am supposed to start my inactive pills. This spotting has been heavier since last time, though. It is almost like a regular period. Do I continue taking my pills as usual or should I skip this upcoming week of inactive pills? When will I get back to normal? I am so sick of bleeding all the time. I know it is my fault but I just want it to end

Re: Bleeding on the Pill

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 1:09 pm
by Heather
I would advise taking the placebo week, then getting back to taking your pills as directed, rather than skipping the placebo week again. That seems the surest route to getting back to normal if taking packs as you were is the cause of this, which it very well could be.

But in the event you have been or currently are sexual with partners and are not current with STI screenings, I would advise making an appointment for that, so you can rule out an infection as the cause, which can also be the case, and also see a sexual/reproductive healthcare provider to check in about this on the whole, just to play it safe.

Re: Bleeding on the Pill

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 1:25 pm
by cmc1997
I was recently tested for STI's and the results were negative so I ruled that out

Re: Bleeding on the Pill

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 1:44 pm
by Heather
Well done! :) So, since you know that's not it, and the clinician you saw didn't voice other concerns, safe to figure the wonky pill use is the issue here. So again, I would just suggest immediately going back to taking the pill as directed and keeping up with that. If you do, this should likely right itself in a cycle or so.

Too, if the pill just doesn't seem like the right method for you anymore, happy to talk with you about other options that may be a better fit, like those you have to remember less often.