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Pubic hair and discharge

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 5:59 am
by Deborah
I often find that my pubes have got matted together with dried discharge and I have to pull them apart with my fingers. It's a little gross if not overly troublesome. I do wash regularly with warm water (sometimes soap), I have a full bush, and this has always happened it's not a recent development. I was just curious about how common this is? Same thing happens with blood on my period but I am aware that is not unusual.
Thank you for reading. Sorry this question is a little gross.

Re: Pubic hair and discharge

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:02 am
by Sam W
Hi Deborah,

What you're describing is pretty common, especially for people who have lots of pubic hair. As long as you're washing regularly so you're not getting days or weeks of discharge built up, there's no need to worry.

Re: Pubic hair and discharge

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:22 am
by snailshell
It's normal and nothing to worry about - but if it bothers you, you can reduce it by trimming your pubic hair a bit. Use small grooming or safety scissors and always point the sharp bits away from your bits.