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Unread post by Hunsickerluv »

Hey. I need help. So, I'm 16 and a junior and there's this guy who's a freshman at my school that I kinda really like. He's 14 years old. He will be turning 15 in like 3 months. So I'm really only like a year and a half older. But we both really like each other and I think he wants to date soon, but idk if he's planning on asking me out without me knowing to just like surprise me or something, but we text and FaceTime like all the time. We are actually really close if you think about it. But what would people think about a junior and a freshman dating? Is there anything wrong with that or..? What do you think?
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Re: Crush

Unread post by Heather »

I think that this is really about what the two of YOU want and think.

By all means, people in high school dating other people in high school is very common, and not just people in the same year. So, it's not like this is that unusual. (Personally, I dated with this exact age differential and situation myself in high school and it went just fine, if an anecdote is valuable to you.)

So, what do YOU think? It sounds like you're interested in him and he in you and that you want to pursue this. If so, why care about what others would think?
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Re: Crush

Unread post by Mo »

Hi Hunsickerluv, welcome to Scarleteen. :)

I can't speak to how anyone else would feel about this, but that age difference doesn't feel odd or wrong to me. Certainly I had friends who dated people two or three grades ahead of them in high school, and for the most part people didn't really make a fuss over it or find it strange. I certainly dated a couple people who were a year and a half older than me when I was in high school!
I think that as with many other aspects of relationships, it can be hard to talk in absolutes; I don't think every pair of people who are 16/14 would be well-matched. But it sounds like you have a good rapport and a close friendship already, which is a good start.
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