Mistakes and timing

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Mistakes and timing

Unread post by Kim_2704 »

Hello! I had protected intercourse during the last active week of my pill pack, I had exactly two more active pills left, which I took on time. A week later my withdrawal bleed came also on time, and I started a new pack without issues. However, about 4 days in the new pack I can't assure I took my pill (It was not in the pack, but I just can't remember), so, in case I did screw up my good pill taking habits, does the sex I mentioned before puts me at risk of pregnancy now? I'm definitely not planning to have intercourse again, I gave in due to the excitement of seeing my boyfriend after almost a year, but now I figure the stress isn't worth it.
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Re: Mistakes and timing

Unread post by Karyn »

Nope, the sex you had before the potential mistake with your pill doesn't pose a risk. Plus, it looks from your previous posts like you use condoms as well, so even if this had presented a risk, you'd still have that extra protection.
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