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Thich white vaginal discharge while on the pill.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 6:33 am
by Carmen68

I have been on the contraceptive pill now for over a year and my boyfriend and I make an effort to only have sex if we have a condom. I take my pills around the same time everyday too- this is because I took your advice by always pairing two contraceptives together.

Now, about a week ago on the last day of my withdraw bleed my boyfriend and I had sex with a condom on. Around the last few days I have been experiencing an increased amount of white, thick vaginal discharge. I'm worried that it could potentially be pregnancy. I have never had this much discharge and I thought I would ask you guys regarding the thick white vaginal discharge. I have also felt my stomach being a bit off and I feel gassy more often, which has made me even more worried!

I bought a pregnancy test and made an appointment with my Dr for tomorrow, just in case but, could it potentially be pregnancy?

Re: Thich white vaginal discharge while on the pill.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:47 am
by Heather
Part of how the pill works is by thickening cervical mucus, so it's more common than not for users of the pill to have thicker discharge. Maybe it wasn't as thick in the past, or maybe you didn't notice it, but it's very possible this is just about your pill.

It also is common around this time of the cycle (even on the pill) to have thicker discharge. But it sounds like you also aren't feeling well digestively, so I think seeing your doctor is a good idea. Be sure to tell them about both the digestive symptoms and the discharge, as it could be you have a yeast infection that needs treatment: those start in the digestive system and then wind up resulting in genital symptoms. And by all means, if you are concerned about pregnancy, even though it doesn't sound like there is any reason to be (and pregnancy symptoms don't show up within a week of intercourse regardless, because of the timing of things), you can ask them to do a pregnancy test for you.