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[Self-Care] - Feel good or silly movies

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:12 pm
by Choka
Hello! :)

I don't know if this kind of post is allowed in this section, but reading the Self-Care article and being a cinephile, I was wondering what was your movies that you watch when you are feeling down to cheer you up? Movies that are beautiful, funny or "so bad they're good"? I would love to discover new movies to watch in case I'm not feeling well (and maybe you want too :) )

So here's my pick:

The twelve tasks of Astérix (1976)

Astérix is a Gaul fighting again and again the Romans, helped with his best friend Obélix and their dog Dogmatix - this time, they have to accomplish twelve tasks to prove that their small village is still stronger than all the Roman Empire, lead by Julius Ceasar. Based on the French comic of the same name.

The Truman show (1998)

One of my favourite film in general. Jim Carrey is just outstanding in it and I always loved the message: you're the director of your own life. Powerful and poetic.

Moonraker (1979)

(Or any Bond with Roger Moore). Bond goes into space. With lasers. The craziest Bond adventure, cheesy but really funny.

Delusions of Grandeur (La Folie des Grandeurs) (1971)

When I'm really feeling down, I can't do without Louis de Funès. In this one, De Funès is playing a tax collector who tries to retrieve his job and the King's trust with the help of his valet.

Batman '66 (1966)

Nothing can really describe the mess in this film - really far from the actual definition of Batman. But for the 60s movie sets, the acting, the "Bat-Ladder", "Anti-Shark Bat-Spray" and so on, it can really make you laugh.

Re: [Self-Care] - Feel good or silly movies

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:39 pm
by Heather
I love when other movie geeks show up here. :) WAHOO FOR ME!

I have so many of these, but here are just a few I think might be particularly comforting with the state of things in the world rightabout now.

Night of the Comet (1984): Two Valley Girls save the whole world. It is both awful and alarmingly charming and ridiculous. But also, we could use a couple Valley Girls to save the world these days. Was a fave when it came out, still is.

Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001): I just already watched this for the I-don't-even-know-how-many time. It is an anthem, and it feels like one.

Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion (1997): Because I'm the Rhoda, and my best friend is ALWAYS the Mary.

Cinema Paradiso (1988): Because it's one of the most beautiful films ever made, in every respect, but it also gives me a catharsis through film that is, itself about, at its core, the love of the movies. :)

P.S. Moonraker was the first movie where I was allowed, with my younger step-brother, to go to the movies alone without any adults. It sure was a very strange choice for that first.

Re: [Self-Care] - Feel good or silly movies

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 2:03 pm
by Choka
I'm adding all these movies to my "To Watch" list. I haven't seen any of these movies yet, but judging by the way you present them, I've missed some gems :)

(Moonraker was my first Bond - I became a huge Bond-nerd after that. This sure is a weird start :) )

Re: [Self-Care] - Feel good or silly movies

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 11:20 pm
by wintergreen
I personally love Victor Victoria(I think it was 1983) because Julie Andrews is brilliant and it's a frank, open and funny movie. The aesthetics are really beautiful. It takes place in 1930's France, and while it deals with heavy issues it also is light, funny and (again with Julie Andrews) has some of the most beautiful vocals.

Re: [Self-Care] - Feel good or silly movies

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 7:05 am
by Sam W
Awww yessss, I love giving movie recommendations

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes: Jane Russell and Marylin Monroe in a buddy comedy/ roadtrip movie complete with musical numbers. Also a great movie about friendship between women.

The Addams Family/ Addams Family Values: Weird, sweet, and funny

Re: [Self-Care] - Feel good or silly movies

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:28 pm
by Jacob
Oscar (1991)... is so good. I just love the costumes and the farcical plot and Tim Curry and everything.

Re: [Self-Care] - Feel good or silly movies

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:04 pm
by Alice O
What an awesome thread!

Some feel-good movies I love: Midnight in Paris, Amelie, the Princess Diaries, and In a World. I'm also embarrassed to admit Eat Pray Love is a guilty pleasure...