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What are the risks?

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 9:56 pm
by hey12356
I'm not as educated in sex-ed as I'd like to be. But I have a few scenarios that I'd like to find out the risks, if any.

1. If I were to give a guy a handjob til he came, wailed my hands a little, waited 10-15 minutes then figured myself, would there be a risk for pregnancy?

2. If I were to "make out" or "dry hump" with a guy would there a pregnancy risk if he came and we each had 2 layers on? What about only underwear?

3. If I were to give a guy a blowjob until he came, then kissed with him and then he go down on me, could that pose a pregnancy risk?

And my last question has been bugging me for a while... how long does sperm like outside the body? And if you wipe your hands is that enough to dry the semen? I'm sorry for all the questions I'm just trying to be more educated. Thanks in advance

Re: What are the risks?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 12:40 am
by Eddie C
Hello there, Hey12356. Welcome to Scarleteen. :)

You can have all your answers in the next link: ... _from_that

And if you are still in the learning mood, you can take a look at these: ... production ... perm_cells