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What's wrong with my cycle!?

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What's wrong with my cycle!?

Unread post by nereyn »

Hi Scarlet teen staff,

I've posted here a few times previously about the plan b pill and pregnancy risks. The pill was taken within 72 hours on June 19th. Overall, it's been three months since I've there was a risk and had a full periods twice already (August 6th, and September 2 lasting around a week). I've taken two pregnancy tests during the time my period was late from June-July and they all turned out negative. No symptoms so I don't think I'm pregnant.

My last full period was from Sept 2-6th, but I had light bleeding/spotting that is dark brown in colour from Aug 25th till the full period on sept 2.

I just started spotting again on Sept 20th and it's a bright red like the beginning of a period.

What's going on? :( Is this of concern health wise that I should I go see a family doctor or is it just another side effect of my body getting back to normal after the plan B pill? Any ideas?
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Re: What's wrong with my cycle!?

Unread post by Mo »

Hi nereyn,

We can't know exactly why you're having that spotting, but it's not uncommon for this to happen even a few months after taking Plan B. It may be related to your body readjusting after you took it, or it could be that your period is on its way and the spotting's from that. Before you took Plan B, were you charting your periods at all? Were your cycles regular before that?
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Re: What's wrong with my cycle!?

Unread post by nereyn »

Hi Mo,

My periods before plan b has always been more than the typical 28 day cycle. Probably closer to 31-34 days and I've never experienced spotting and light bleeding in between before so this is concerning to me.

I'll probably drop by the doc's office but any another tips? thanks for the help :))
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Re: What's wrong with my cycle!?

Unread post by Mo »

Even if it isn't something you've had happen before, it's not uncommon (especially after Plan B) so I wouldn't be too worried! Your doctor will have the best sense of what's going on since they can examine you; if you're still concerned that's a reasonable next step.
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