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How do You know if EC worked?
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:28 am
by Star19
I started my period three days earlier then the expected period day but my period has been weird. It started of with pink spotting then became heavy for three and a half days. I say three and a half because in the evening during the third day my period became light almost like it wanted to stop like at the end of a period it stayed that way till the fourth day it was only brown. Till the evening of the fourth day it began to bleed again it wasn't heavy just medium to light. I have never really experienced that where it stops for that long then bleeds again. Then on the Fifth day it had a mixture between red and brown then at the end of the day just brown and slowing down as it normally does towards the end of the period, but I never had a mixter of red and brown before. And now on the 6th day it is just brown and stopping like it normally does because it only last or 6 days. Just been concerned with the weird flow and color the other days. Is it normal for that to happen after EC? I did not take Plan B I took the Take Action Emergency pill, but how do you know if EC worked. Thank you for your time in reading this just advice please.
Re: How do You know if EC worked?
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:37 am
by Karyn
Even if it's not something you personally have experienced before, it isn't unusual for periods to stop and start like you're describing, and the color of menstrual flow can vary quite a bit. A common side effect of EC is that cycles can go a bit wonky for a while, too, so I don't see anything here to be concerned about. However, there is no way to know for sure if EC worked other than taking a pregnancy test, so it's a good idea for anyone who has needed to use EC to take a test once enough time has passed.
Re: How do You know if EC worked?
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:38 am
by Heather
You know because you won't become pregnant.
In other words, just like as you live life for months being sexually active without being pregnant -- and thus, not feeling pregnant -- same goes here. Bleeding or not doesn't tell you if it was effective or not.
In the event that you don't want to wait weeks or more to find out, you can always take a pregnancy test to be sure.
Re: How do You know if EC worked?
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:26 pm
by Star19
I took several pregnancy test and all were negative
Re: How do You know if EC worked?
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:18 pm
by Danny S.
If you took a pregnancy test properly according to the instructions, and the results were negative, then you are not pregnant.