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First Time and Worried

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:24 pm
by ShortandSassy
First of all thank you for providing such a welcoming site. Last Sunday I had sex for the first time with someone I am in a comitted relationship with. I started birth control two months ago to be safe however on that day I was supposed to start a new pack but with school I forgot to order one. We used a condom and he did not finish but I can't help being angry at myself for forgetting I hadn't started a new pack. Today is Thursday and I am wondering if I should take emergency contraception? I know condoms are very effective, and I am sure we used it correctly, I am just concerned that missing the first 4 pills ( it took a long time to get a new pack) of a new pack will mess with my body. Also can I start the new pack today or should I wait till my next period? Thank you!

Re: First Time and Worried

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:15 pm
by Danny S.
Hi ShortandSassy, welcome to the boards.
First of all, you don't need to take EC. You have about a 24 hour period before your next pill is considered late, so don't worry about not taking your pill that day. It's great that you're confident you used your condom correctly, so Have a Little Faith in BC!. This doesn't sound like something to worry about.
In regards to your missing four pills and starting up again, you can start it today. It shouldn't have a big impact on your body, aside from possibly throwing off your cycle (when you have your withdrawal bleed). If you're worried about it, you can always read the information that came with your birth control, or talk to your doctor.
Would you like information on other possible birth control methods, if you're finding it hard to remember to order/take your BC on time?

Re: First Time and Worried

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:59 pm
by ShortandSassy
Thank you! Making sure I understand you correctly, even though I missed the first new pill that day and missed the next 4, because we used a condom I am protected? And yes I think remembering the pills is becoming to much of a challenge.

Re: First Time and Worried

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 5:42 am
by Sam W
Hi shortandsassy,

If the condom did not break or come off, then you can assume it did it's job. If you've missed four active pills, then that may decrease the effectiveness for awhile (to expand on what Danny said, there's a 12 hour grace period before a pill is "late" and a 24 hour one before it's considered "missed). If you have the new pack, you should go ahead and start if.

If you're finding the pills to be not a good fit, this article is a great place to learn about alternate options: Birth Control Bingo!